1/29/2019 2 Comments Dealing with traumasI want to encourage you to listen to the audio recordings from our Sunday services which deal with traumas. We have begun to teach on this very important subject and I think most of you that read this will find that the lessons pertain to you. We began last Sunday, January 27th and will teach on this also Sunday February 3rd. Traumas from our childhood have a tendency to cause problems into our adult life. The problems will persist until we do something to interrupt the patterns. As you will learn from last Sunday's message, a trauma will actually cause a change to your brain. Please listen to learn more. We love you. Pastor Jean
11/15/2018 3 Comments Prophetic VisionOn November 4, 2018 - - at 5 am during prayer at home
I (Gary Wilson) saw a wave coming in. It was a cloud with fire and lightening being blown by the breath of Father God. The wave was red in color and Jesus was in the middle of it. The red stood for the blood of Jesus. There were 8 angels riding on the cloud. Each had a name for the authority and assignment that they carried. The names of the angels were: 1. Justice 2. Judgment 3. Last Chance 4. Salvation 5. Deliverance 6. Healing 7. Truth 8. Life The wave/cloud was sweeping across the United State of America. The end-time move of God. Wherever the wave went, a garden of life was established, like the Garden of Eden. I believe in my heart that this vision is a call for the church to pray for revival. The end-time move of God. God has assembled His angels to bring forth that which we have been believing for. Now, it is time to increase our prayers and fasting, to call forth the cloud of glory and the angels of revival. To bring in the final harvest, hallelujah. 8/4/2018 3 Comments The blood of jesusI wanted to let you all know that we have finished our booklet on the Blood of Jesus. This booklet is a compilation of the lessons we preached over the course of several weeks earlier this year. We wanted you to have all of the sermons in one booklet so that you can go back over the Word of God with regard to the Blood of Jesus. There is perhaps no more important subject that you can get into your spirit than the power and fullness of the Blood of Jesus. His shed blood has given us everything we need for victory in this life and for access to the next. You can find the booklet in this website in our Listen/Learn page. We pray it is a blessing to you. God Bless, Pastor Jean
3/22/2018 1 Comment Prophetic word 3/15/18March 15, 2018
God continued the vision of crossing over the Jordan. I (Jean) was meditating in my mind, crossing over with others. The Lord began to show me some people slowing down, some stopping and some turning back. Here is what God told me: Distraction – As people cross over, distraction will come to slow them down. These people begin to take their focus off God and moving forward and begin to look from side to side at other things. This causes them to slow down their pace. As they slow down, the others keep moving and the distracted ones fall behind. Eventually, if distraction is allowed to persist, the person becomes so far behind it becomes hard, even impossible, for them to catch up. Sin – People crossing over who fall into sin turn their attention from God and turn full away from Him. Sin caused them to turn backwards and begin to walk and even run in the wrong direction, away from God and their promised land. It can cause a person, when they finally repent and turn back, to have lost sight of those with whom they were crossing over. As with distraction, it may be possible to resume the trek across the Jordan, but the person is way behind. And if sin persists, it gets harder and harder for the person to get back. Fear – Fear will cause people to stop. It causes those crossing over to stop and consider their circumstances, the impossibility of what they are called to do, to the trials and tribulations along the way. Fear cause a full stop of forward movement. Fear will cause people to freeze up and lose their way. Let us heed the warning of the Lord and say close to Him, not allowing anything to slow us down or take us backwards. 3/15/2018 1 Comment Prophetic word on 3/7/18This is a continuation of the vision that Pastor Jean had on March 1st. Apostle Gary’s vision picked up where Jean’s vision left off.
I saw us in the river Jordan. There were angels holding back the water on both sides. In front of us, there were angels holding up the Mercy Seat and carrying on their shoulders. Around the Mercy Seat in the middle of the Jordan was the Perfect Storm. There was wind, fire and lightening, God’s glory. The Mercy Seat looked like the Ark, then it was transformed into Jesus. Jesus looked like a real person. I could see His eyes with love like I have never seen before. It caused me to be undone. Words could not describe the love that I saw in His eyes. Jesus was a normal sized person, until we encountered enemies crossing over. Then He became like an angry giant against the enemy. After crossing over, everywhere the storm moved, people were rushing to be in the storm, for salvation, healing and deliverances and the love of God. Demons were scattering in every direction. We were following right behind the Mercy Seat in the perfect storm. We were part of the first wave, small in numbers. But all who crossed had love like in the heart of God. I noticed some of our former enemies were on the sidelines cheering us on. All were walking with me were walking in perfect love, like the love I saw in Jesus’ eyes. People were drawn to the storm and the storm was unstoppable. We must have that heart of God’s perfect love. Only those that love like God will be qualified to cross over. Gary Wilson 3-7-18 3/3/2018 3 Comments Prophetic Word on 3/1/18As I was praying on the altar before our service, I was meditating on the death of Billy Graham and how we are in a season of transition or shift in the Body of Christ. The Lord immediately began to speak to me and show me visions of where we are in this season. This word was for Isaiah 61 Ministry particularly, but also for the Body of Christ as a whole. Here is what the Lord revealed to me:
We have been on the banks of the Jordan, staring across at the Promised Land. We know what we have heard. We know the promises and we believe them. But the waiting and the warfare have taken a toll on us. Many of us have been severely tested on this side (of the Jordan). This testing has been allowed. God has allowed the testing of His remnant. He needs those who will cross over first to be ready, to be strong, to be fearless. The battle on the other side of the Jordan is real. But so are the blessings. So is God’s mighty power. As we step over God will put new armor on us. He will put a new sword in our hands and will give us power and might. Once we cross over, there can be no turning back. This is why God has chosen His remnant so carefully and tested them so thoroughly. God showed me very clearly that we are now in the midst of the Jordan river. In the river bed. We are in a season of transition. Our wilderness experience has prepared us. God has called His remnant to move and we are moving. The Jordan seems like a barren place. It seems that the Promised Land is still far off and some are getting discouraged. But God is with us. Stay close to God, to His presence as we trek across. God said that He is right now giving us a “second wind” to carry us over to our destination. He is releasing new strength, faith, stamina and resolve. Keep moving and allow the wind to carry you the rest of the way. Many of us thought we would transition directly from the wilderness to the promised land. This was not correct. There is a season of transition between the two - The actual cross of the Jordan. This is where we presently are. God told me our faith must increase. Our boldness must increase. He said do not run. Do not break ranks. Do not turn back. The Promised Land is nearer than you think, even though it may seem harder to see than it was on bank. All of our provisions have been supplied. They are waiting for us on the other side of the Jordan, in our Promised Land. The provisions would have weighed us down if we had to carry them over. The battle will be greater when we arrive than what we have experienced in the wilderness. But our power and authority will be greater. We will move from one chasing a thousand to two chasing ten thousand. The Lord showed me also that there are some who were chosen to cross over in the first wave that have broken ranks and are not in position. Some have wasted their time in the wilderness and are not prepared to cross over. God said it is time to get serious, very serious about your preparation. Do not waste another moment. He said those of us going over first will prepare the way for those coming in the subsequent waves. Friday morning March 2nd When I woke up on Friday morning and began to ponder what God had been telling me last night He spoke to me again. God revealed to me that those of us that were on the banks of the Jordan and are now moving over are made of: Individual believers that have gone through the trials, testing and preparation and whole ministries and churches that have been aligned with God’s purposes and plans and have been prepared for the crossing. God also revealed to me that those ministries and churches that refuse to cross over, who are satisfied where they are or are ignorant of what God has required of the Body of Christ will have their provisions taken from them and given to those that cross over. These provisions are people, finances, property, etc. Entire churches and ministries who will not move will find themselves diminishing as those who cross will find themselves increasing. This is truly an awesome but serious time that we are living in. May God bless you and empower you to get you prepared and keep you moving to your destiny in this season. |
Pastors Gary and Jean
January 2019
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